Monday, February 9, 2009

Octuplits and love

I have been flowing the news of a woman in southern Calforina who just had octuplits. Much of the media coverage has come from her being a signal mother with six kids, now 14. I do not know the true motives of the woman, or the questions raised of the ethics of it all. But one thing that has been repeatedly expressed is "How will there be enuf love for all the kids?" As if love is a resource that is in low supply. Being a mother love is the one thing that I have never ran low on. Manny other things, but love for my children is not. One on one time I do believe will be in low supply, but does a child have to have one on one with mom to grow up healthy? I often hold both of my kids. I think if we look back a few generations at how families worked, we would see that the mother was not expected to do everything, but the children were thought to work along with mom. This teaches a child to be a independent adults, and how to work as a family or what we might call a team now days.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you posted this...I totally agree. I think the media is being pretty harsh.
    Missed you today, hope allis well.
