Have you ever considered the place your food comes from? I grew up in a place where is was conman place to stop at rode side stand and buy peaches/collards/eggs/tomatoes what ever from the farmer who grew it on the land it was grown on. I now Live in a place that is primary agriculture based. Only the truth be told buying the local food from the farmer is a largely uncommon. Why? Well I do not know. My own husbands grandfather grows beans, but there never eaten by people in the our state or country.
I could go throw a list of places where you can get food that is grown in our region and buy local food. But that is not rally my point. Nor is it the quality of our food that i am getting to(the closer from the plant the higher the nutrition). But the ability of being able to feed ones family when the trucks don't/can't bring the food from 3,000 miles away. I am fearful that much of our modern society has lost the ability to place a seed in soil and grow food, and then harvest new seed to do it the next year.
Why is this so important? I feel that for us to teach our children to respect life, in all it's shapes and forms we must teach them the value of that which sustains us. Our food sources and the land that it comes from. This is farm land, garden boxes, and wild land that sustains the land we use around it.
So I have ranted and what solution do I propose? Try growing a few plants for food. Not to just feed your family, but to grow your compassion and empathy for what you eat and how it gets to being.
There are a few easy ways to build a small garden that can produce a large amount of food for your family.
This is a great way to start.
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