Yes it is true, my daughter is seven, and that makes me a mother of a child who will be out of the house in eleven years. But I am not looking ford to that.
Mothering my daughter has been the biggest challenge in my life to date. She and I are very much a like, and this brings out the worst of my demons.
I was 23 years old when she was born, and way to self centred to healthy give the way you have to to a newborn, and thus this is how our relationship began. She a very strong willed, adventures, loving, passionate child. Never meeting a stranger, always exploring the world. and I tried to do my best, and I do the best I can at the time. I just hope we will be friends when she is grown, and can for give me for my short comings.
At the age of seven she is a power house of energy. She loves to perform, has an eminence imagination. She is always making up her own plays, songs, and performing them. Just the other day she was singing a song in the car that went "I can sing this song over and over agen, over agen, over agen" and so it went. I was to say the lest very annoying, but it just made me smile, and laugh.
I hope the sprite to create never leaves this child. I love her so much, and I really hope I can glide her with out killing her spirit. There are so many times in her life, I just do not have a clue on what to say or do.
We had a princes party. It rocked with a pink princess B-day cake and all.
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