Friday, February 12, 2010

Frist Planting of 2010

Today with the high of 55 degrees F, my yard called. It also called to Jeremy who has spent 5h at it also, parly brcaus he feels better, after spending two full days in bed with a cold.
Jeremy has raked the yard, turned over all the beds, turned over the compost, and a lot of little clean up.
I focused my energy on my long north west bed, it is fully thawed. The huge benefit of raised beds is that they heat up faster in the spring and stay warmer longer in the fall.

To day I planted
Bulls Blood Beets
Lettuces Mix

I hope to be be harvesting my own salad in late March.
Happy Planting!!


  1. I can't get my tomatoes out of the boxes yet. They are frozen. How did you clean out your beds enough to turn the soil?

  2. Evin.. my soil is not frozen, but I clean out the beds in the fall. All of my tomato plants I hung in the garage upside down from the root balls, it will ripen any green tomatoes.
