The flue came and went throw our home, and we are fine. I found that the extra vitamin D, yarrow, and C really helped us stay afloat.
Also I make a tea for colds and flue that works well..
I a quart jar
Wash and slice in rounds one lemon
2 tbsp Raw Honey
1/4" piece of ginger minced
2 cloves of garlic Minces
1/3 cup Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 tsp Cayenne
Fill the jar with boiling water and let step for 15 mints. Drink and make more..
One thing that lost of people do not think about when you are sick is that Sugar shuts down you bodies immune system when it is processing, so you body is not fighting the infection. So it is a good deal to not eat any sugar and processed crabs when fighting illness.
Drink lost of water, and if you feel you need an sports drink to replenish electrolytes uses the tea above.
Did you guys have H1N1? I'm so thankful for advice like this because, even though we never have had flu go through our house yet, when it does, I probalby won't feel like looking for good recipes and advice then. I'll just go into survival mode at best, depending on how sick I get. It's good to know stuff in advance.