Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Driving with my Eyes Open

Yesterday as I sped to preschool, running late I hastily pulled in to an intersection and slam on my brakes just nearly missing a car. Nysous flew from the front seat to the floor broad, and my hot cup of tea went flying. From the back seat I heard "Mom pleas drive with your eyes open next time, you almost broke my Lego".

It is true, I did almost brake us all. But that was not the thought that stayed with me. Besides "Slow down LeAnne before you kill your family".

The thought that cought me and began to grow in my mind was "How as humans in our very rushed lives we often drive with our eyes shut." I know I am often passing my days occupied by my "to do list" or what ever is coming next, taking kids to and from there actives I miss them. I miss playing endlessly, exploring, and experiencing the new in the mundane. That is the wonder in childhood, and when we loss that as adults, we loos our since of adventure, but more so our compassion.

Speeding throw life I have not time to see the pain in another eyes, or worse I ignore it. I am overly focused on things that do not matter. The bills, what I will cook for dinner etc... That the beauty of an afternoon or the pain of another is easy to ignore. More work for me right.

I guess the question I pose is "How do you drive with your eyes open? And teach that too your kids?"

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